About Noob Software
Noob Software builds apps using the NoobScript programming language, which is also used for back-end server code for Noob web applications. NoobScript is loosely based on the way JavaScript and PHP works and is an interpreted language which supports multithreading, thread safety as well as compiled code parts for optimum performance.
Noob Software builds web apps using Streamline (Noob's web application development framework). Streamline is now in version 2.0 which has seen numerous improvements from version 1.0.
Streamline can use PHP or NoobScript for back-end code.
Noob Software has mostly focused on making music and video players, playlist-generators, web-browser extensions and web applications.
Silver contains a reading list, RSS reader, tab organizer and quick search results from history, bookmarks, reading list, rss feeds and Wikipedia/DuckDuckGo.
Type colon then search term into the toolbar search field to recieve quick results from history, bookmarks, reading list, rss feeds and Wikipedia/DuckDuckgo. For example ":search term". To access reading list and rss reader and tab organizer click customize your toolbar and add the buttons to your toolbar. You can also open reading list sidebar through view -> sidebars -> reading list and you can access rss reader and tab organizer through the tools menu.
You can search all your search engines simultaneously by holding down shift and pressing enter/return in you toolbar search.
The RSS reader gathers feeds from your bookmarks, for this to work live bookmarks (bookmarked feeds) must have the same title as the rss feed itself.
In the tab organizer you can bookmark multiple tabs and add multiple tabs to your reading list.
Keyboard shortcut for opening reading list is command + shift + E
Keyboard shortcut for opening tabs is shift + T
Keyboard shortcut for opening RSS reader is shift + R
SiteStyles allows you to inject CSS styles into web pages. Use "view source" or developer tools to inspect html and css to alter. To make sure your styles override existing styles you can use !important css option when defining styles. To edit styles open SiteStyles sidebar and input css styles into the textfield and press apply. The style is saved to the base-url of the webpage you currently have open. For example if you alter the css of some-web-page.com/somewebsite and then visit some-web-page.com/someothersite your edited styles will perist. CSS-code editor forked from Diavolo Source code editor.
This extensions lets you save drafts of form input for any page and load them back at will. Click the date of the entry to load the form draft to your open form. Click the remove icon to remove tha form draft entry.
Colorize your tabs.
Advanced search utility for macOS.
A XUL based web browser. (Legacy version)
Random Number generator. Generates random numbers from chaotic motion.
Visual timer and interval notifier.
Visual timer and interval notifier.
Learn the APA standard by typing citations from a description. You get a notice for each error you make. (this application is in Icelandic)
Colorize video with an imperfect colorization AI. (The resulting video will be somewhat imperfect.) Requires having the FFMpeg and FFProbe binaries located in your applications folder. You can download them
here. This app creates a directory in your home folder called VideoColor which contains all of the rendering data for the current item being rendered. Be careful not to place items in this directory because they may be deleted when a new item is rendered. The final output video will be placed in this directory when rendering is completed.
The macOS version is now supported on older systems for macOS version 10.14.6 and up, starting with version 1.8.3, some functions are significantly slower on older systems.
Music player and library.
Noob Music lets you organize and play your Music Library and playlists. Noob Music uses NumRand a number generator based on chaotic motion for randomisation quality.
You can assign color-tags to each song in your library and shuffle grouped by tags so that you get a consistent "rainbow" spectrum of songs when you shuffle. For avid music listeners this feature is really useful, because organizing playlists can be time consuming. With the tag shuffle you get a playlist you can listen to without having to rearrange it after shuffling. Command-click the tag-shuffle button to configure the tag order.
Noob Music also lets you shuffle without tag-shuffling if you have not assigned tags to your songs or you just want a totally random playlist. Noob Music uses NumRand a random number generator based on chaotic motion for the best random result. Because the randomisation method is complex it takes some time to shuffle large playlists.
Noob Music requires you to have all your music inside the Music folder of your home folder, in a sub folder or the root of the directory. You must choose the folder in the Settings section. And then index the folder. Music information is read from song files when pressing the read song information button in settings. Songs that don't contain information can be edited manually. Noob Music lets you create playlists and drag and drop songs to your playlist you can also drag and drop a playlist onto another playlist.
Move mouse cursor over buttons to see what the button does.
Noob Music uses VLCKit.
Noob Music supports mp3, m4a, wav, flac and aif.
Noob Cinema lets you manage your movie library as well as letting you create a queue of movies to watch and generate playlists.
Organize movies into folders.
Integrated with Noob Player. Play your Noob Cinema queue directly from Noob Player.
Keep track of recently watched and not recently watched movies with smart folders.
Generate playlists from your movie queue or folders.
Noob Player lets you play multiple playlists concurrently with tabs.
Noob Player uses LibVLC.
Integrated with Noob TV and Noob Cinema. Play your schedules and movie queue in Noob Player.
Noob TV lets you create schedules and generate playlists from your TV Show collection.
Noob TV generates a library from your TV Show collection.
Can generate playlists with episodes at random or in sequence.